Dipta's Math Academy

From Middle School Struggles to Successful Software Engineer

Tejas Patel’s academic path is both striking and inspiring. Beginning with struggling in middle school math, he used each challenge as a stepping stone, eventually majoring in Applied Mathematics at the University of Delaware. With the right guidance and dedication, he turned his academic struggles into success. Today, as a proficient software engineer, his story showcases the transformative power of education and the importance of tutoring in realizing a student’s potential.

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In middle school, Tejas Patel was struggling with his math class. The complexity of the problems he faced and the abstract nature of the subject were overwhelming, which led to a considerable loss of confidence. His parents realized he needed extra support to not only understand the subject better but also to regain his belief in his abilities.


Understanding that Tejas was struggling with his middle school math, I knew it was essential to first build a strong foundation before proceeding with more complex problems. This approach was crucial, as jumping directly to more advanced concepts without fully grasping the basics can often lead to confusion and a further loss of confidence.

In the initial stages, we focused intensely on the fundamentals, ensuring that he was thoroughly comfortable with the principles and concepts that form the base of mathematical thinking. We worked on topics like fractions, basic algebra, geometry, and more, until Tejas could solve problems confidently and without hesitation.

Once he had developed a robust understanding of these foundational concepts, we transitioned to more challenging topics. It was encouraging to see how smoothly Tejas was able to move onto these more difficult aspects of his math curriculum. His grades improved, his confidence soared, and he was soon bumped up to the advanced-level math class at his school, marking a significant milestone in his academic journey.

Long-Term Engagement

Our relationship didn’t end with Tejas’ successful completion of middle school. As he moved into high school, the complexity of his math classes increased dramatically. However, the confidence and competence he had built in middle school served him well. Tejas was not intimidated by these new challenges; instead, he was excited to delve deeper into his math studies.

As his tutor, I continued to support Tejas throughout high school, working with him to navigate through advanced mathematical concepts and practices. We tackled topics like calculus, trigonometry, and statistics, ensuring that he was not just memorizing formulas but truly understanding the underlying principles. This deep understanding helped him to excel in his advanced-level math classes.

Our long-term engagement also allowed me to continuously adapt my tutoring style to Tejas’ evolving needs and abilities. By understanding his strengths and areas for improvement, I was able to provide personalized instruction that maximized his learning potential.

Transition to College

When Tejas graduated from high school and decided to major in Applied Mathematics at the University of Delaware, it was a proud moment for both of us. It was proof of his dedication to the subject, and it affirmed the progress he had made since his days of struggling with middle school math.

The college curriculum, as expected, was far more challenging and required a higher level of understanding and application of mathematical concepts. However, having come so far in his mathematical journey, Tejas was prepared for this new phase of learning. As his tutor, I was still there to support him, helping him understand and apply advanced mathematical theories and working with him to tackle challenging problem sets.

Despite the increased rigor of college-level math, Tejas handled his coursework with the same resilience and determination that he had demonstrated throughout his academic journey.

Results Recap

The 10-year journey with Tejas from a struggling middle-schooler to an Applied Mathematics major is a testament to his resilience, hard work, and the transformative power of effective tutoring.

This transformation was not an overnight miracle; it was the result of consistent effort, determination, and the right guidance. Tejas’ progress through each educational level, from middle school to university, marked significant milestones in his journey, reflecting his growing proficiency and passion for mathematics.

His decision to pursue Applied Mathematics at the university level was the culmination of this journey, showcasing his academic growth and his love for the subject. His ability to handle the rigors of a university-level mathematics course, and to do so successfully, is a direct result of his hard work and the continuous tutoring support he received.


Tejas Patel’s story stands as an inspiring example of the power of dedication, consistent effort, and the right academic support. It demonstrates how personalized, long-term tutoring can significantly enhance a student’s understanding and performance in a subject.


Moreover, his journey underscores the transformative power of tutoring, not just in terms of academic achievement but also in shaping students’ attitudes towards learning and their chosen subjects. Tejas’ transformation from a struggling student to an Applied Mathematics major illustrates the profound impact that effective tutoring can have on a student’s academic journey, and the lifelong benefits that can result from such dedicated, personalized support.


His story is a shining testament to the potential that every student holds and is a powerful reminder of how tutoring can help unlock this potential. It also reaffirms the important role tutors play in shaping a student’s academic journey and the significant impact they can have on their lives.